
APDO - National Organising Week – 4-10 November 2019

Friday 25th October 2019

National Organising Week - 4-10 November 2019 APDO celebrates 15 years of bringing order to life on 4 November 2019! During National Organising Week (NOW), Britain's organising experts set out to motivate you to clear the clutter and get more organised. APDO members are on a mission to help you get the most out of your space, time, and belongings! The vision for NOW is: to inspire change for anyone who needs it to make life simpler to create a calmer home to manage time better to assist in finding professional help and support if required Why NOW? If you're feeling overwhelmed by clutter, you're not alone. APDO was set up…

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5 top tips on making the most of your storage

Tuesday 17th September 2019
Lynda Wylie (Tidy Rooms)

There are 3 golden rules for buying storage which I always share with my clients from the beginning: Never buy storage until after you've decluttered - You've just gotten rid of a bunch of things you don't need anymore, don't add more! Store items where you will use them - Not only will items be easier to find, but it's much easier to put them back. Label everything - You'll be able to find what you're looking for quickly and easily. Now you're ready to organise, what type of storage do you look for? Aside from your personal style and taste, you'll need storage that neatly contains your things and…

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Setting the stage: Decluttering to sell your home

Thursday 4th July 2019
Marc Da Silva

Home staging can help to make a property highly desirable, and where better to start than by decluttering the place? Imagine if you could make the property that you are trying to sell look larger, brighter, cleaner, warmer, more homely, and, above all else, make people want to buy it. If you're trying to do all this in the dark of winter, you've got a real challenge on your hands but we've got a few pointers that could help you out. General DIY, a fresh lick of paint, clean the windows, hoover the carpet, plump those cushions, ensure beds are neatly made,…

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